Abulafia, Abraham. El comentari 'anònim' al Llibre de la Formació [The 'anonymous' commentary to Sefer Yetsirah]. Neil M. Frau-Cortes, translation, study and reading guide; Rosa Planas, preface and edition. Palma: Lleonard Muntaner, 2024.
Azriel of Girona. Siete capítulos místicos y otros textos [Seven mystical chapters and other texts]. Neil M. Frau-Cortes, translation and study. Barcelona: Obelisco, 2023.
Séfer ha-temuná: el Libro de la figura [Sefer ha-temunah: Book of the Figure]. Neil M. Frau-Cortes, translation and study. Barcelona: Obelisco, 2021.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel. Rabí Simó ben Tsémakh Duran: Florirà frondosa la branca [Rabbi Simeon ben Zemach Duran: Lucious shall the branch blossom]. Palma : Ajuntament de Palma, 2019.
Alfabeto de Rabí Akiva [Alphabet of R. Akiva. Otiyot de-Rabi Akiva]. Neil M. Frau-Cortes, transl. and study. Barcelona: Ediciones Obelisco, 2017.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel. "Arc i escut": una obra apologètica de R. Ximon ben Tsemah Duran en el marc de la literatura de pol·lèmica ["Bow and Shield": R. Simon ben Zemach Duran's apologetic treatise in the framework of Polemical Literature]. Palma: Lleonard Muntaner, 2014.
Frau-Cortes, Manel and Jordi Gendra-Molina. Identitats en conflicte: una visió catalana d'Israel. [Identities in Conflict: a Catalan Vision of Israel]. Barcelona: Dux, 2009
R. Jonah ben Abraham of Girona. Les Portes del Penediment [Sha’are ha-Teshuvah]. Introduction, translation and notes by Manel Frau-Cortes. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Filologia Hebrea, 2001
Epstein, Isidor. Les Responsa del Rabí Simó ben Tsemakh Duran: una font per a la història dels jueus del nord d’Àfrica. [The responsa of R. Shim'on ben Tsemach Duran as a source for the history of the Jews in north Africa]. Study, translation and notes by Manel Frau-Cortes and Jordi Gendra. Ciutat de Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner Pub., 2001.
Fleg, Edmond. Por qué soy judío. N.M. Frau, translator. Barcelona: Riopiedras, 2000.
Chion, Michel. La música en el cine. [Music in Cinema - La musique au cinéma]. Translated by Manel Frau. Barcelona: Paidós, 1997.
Frau-Cortes, Neil M. "Moisès Remós: retrat fúnebre d'un jove jueu mallorquí" [Mosheh Rimós: a funerary portrait of a young Mallorcan Jew]. Mozaika, June 2020. Link to article here.
Frau-Cortes, Neil M. "Cap a una(re)construcció del nússakh català" [Towards a (re)Construction of Catalan Nusach]. Mozaika, Octubre 2017. Link to article here.
Frau-Cortes, M. "Terra de benedicció, país maleït per Déu: imatges de la terra en la poesia de R. Simó ben Tsémah Duran [Land of blessing, country cursed by God: images of the land in R. Simon ben Tzemach Duran's poetry]". Veus Baixes no. 3, 2015, p. 11-21. Link to article here.
Frau-Cortes, Neil M. "Devastació i runes: dues elegies hebrees de Ximon ben Tsemah Duran interpretades a la llum del desastre de 1391" ["Ruin and devastation: two Hebrew Kinot of Simon ben Zemach Duran: a reading in the context of the 1391 riots]. Catalan Review, vol. 27, 2013, pp. 87-116.
Frau-Cortes, Manel N. "Matters on Musical Proportions: 15th Century Hebrew Class-Notes on Notation and Counterpoint." Itamar: Revista de Investigacion Musical 3:2010, pp. 233-252.
Frau-Cortes, Manel. "La corporalitat més subtil." ["The most subtile of corporalities." Second part of "Acoustics and music theory in R. Shimon Duran's thought"]. Estudis Musicals, vol. 13, 2006, pp. 107-124.
Frau-Cortes, Manel. “Teoria musical i del so en el pensament de Rabí Durán.” [Acoustics and music theory in R. Shimon Duran’s thought]. Estudis Musicals. vol. 12, 2005, pp. 67-92.
Frau-Cortes, Manel. “Israel: Homes de Negre.” L'Opinió Republicana. No. 8, Dec. 1999.
Frau-Cortes, Manel. "Mah Tovu" (for vocal quartet). Shalshelet Festival Songbook: Compositions for the 3rd International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music. Chevy Chase, MD. Shalshelet - Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music, 2008, pp. 76-86.
Frau-Cortes, Manel N. "Shahar Avakesh'kha" (SATB and piano). Shalshelet Festival Songbook: Compositions for the 4th International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music 2010. Chevy Chase, MD. Shalshelet - Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music, 2011, pp. 87-95.
Alan Lomax Collection: The Spanish Recordings: Mallorca: the Balearic Islands. Judith Cohen edit. Manel Frau guest editor for booklet, musical selection and notes. Cambridge, MS: Rounder Records, 2007.
Frau-Cortes, Manel. "Alan Lomax and Traditional Music in Mallorca," in Alan Lomax: Mirades Miradas Glances. Antoni Piza ed. Barcelona: Lunwerg - Fundacio Sa Nostra, 2006, pp. 37-45, 145-147.
Cohen, Judith, Esperança Bonet and Manel Frau-Cortes. “Report and Projects: Music in the Balearic and Pityusic Islands.” Music and Anthropology 9, 2004
Columns, Reviews and Blogs
Frau-Cortes, Neil M. Several book reviews for Notes.
Frau-Cortes, Neil M. Gershayim blog
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel. "Música i noves tecnologies [Music and Emerging Technologies]." Periodical column for Sonograma Magazine (2011-), in Catalan. Link to the section here.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel -- Several film reviews for EMRO, in English. Link to section here.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel -- Several book reviews for Sonograma Magazine, mostly in English. Link to section here.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel -- Montly CD review for Sonograma Magazine, in Catalan. Link to section here.
Esquerra Nacional, several bibliographical notes.
1998-2001, bi-monthly column of political analysis on L’Estel de Mallorca newspaper of S’Arenal, Mallorca.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel. Estructura de la divinidad [Ma'arekhet ha-Elohut, Structure of the Divine]. Obelisco. Expected Spring 2025.
Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel. Estructura de la divinidad [Ma'arekhet ha-Elohut, Structure of the Divine]. Obelisco. Expected Spring 2025.
- Gratz College Graduate Prize on Jewish Music 2009 and 2010.
- The Evelyn R. Mehlman Jewish Music award 2010.
- Shalshelet Award for New Jewish Liturgical Music 2012, 2010 and 2008.
- Gratz College Graduate Prize on Jewish Liturgy/Rabbinics 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010.
- Fern Award for outstanding contribution by an RRC staff member to the community 2005.